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NeverMore High Episode One: Ruby of Leopard?

It was the first day of school at NMH. Sparrow Pan (son of Peter Pan) is the most popular guy in school, surprisingly. He created Twitter, and there are tons of girls who want to date him. But Sparrow ignores all the people who ask him to the dance and asks Esther Bunny (daughter of the Easter Bunny) if she'll go to the dance with him. Esther, who really wants to go with Venomicent (aka Venom the son of Maleficent), says she'll think about his invite.

Meanwhile, Esther's cousin Gabby O-Hare (daughter of the White Rabbit) is invited to the dance by Venom. Gabby says the same thing as Esther to Venom (and also "I'm-I'm gonna be l-l-late!!!"). When the girls meet up after classes taught by strange teachers and listened to (well sort of) by goofy students, they tell each other who they had been invited to the dance by.

Gabby tells Esther that she wants to go with Sparrow, which gives Esther an idea. She talks to Vanessa Evil (daughter of the evil queen), one of her best friends, about switching her and Gabby so they can both go with the dates they want, Vanessa agrees, so she uses her magic to switch Esther and Gabby around. Little did she know that Ruby Red, the daughter of Rose Red, was spying on her, and took some of her magic from her before the spell was over. And she wasn't going to use it for good.

At the dance, Venom accidentally says "Late" which would normally turn Gabby into a bunny. Esther wasn't paying attention, so she forgot to turn into a bunny. "Hey, are you really Gabby?" Venom asked. That ended the spell, and Esther turned into Esther again.

The same happened for Gabby. She and Sparrow were dancing when Sparrow said "late". Gabby turned into a bunny, and shouted "don't say it!", and it was unusual for Esther to freak out. "Are you actually Esther?" Sparrow asked. Gabby turned back into Gabby.

Venom told Esther, "I actually did want to ask you, as Esther, out to the dance. I was just too nervous, so I picked Gabby since she's easy to approach." "Am I not easy to approach?" inquired Esther. Venom blushed. "No, you're just always... talking about candy and never focused." "Oh," said Esther. 'wait, what was that? I was making sure Isla over there didn't spill her M+Ms." Venom sighed. "That's what I mean..."

Sparrow took Gabby out onto the balcony. "I actually... do like you, Gabby," He said. Gabby turned bright red. "R-really? I l-like you... too." The were dancing on the balcony for a while until Ruby walked up to them. "Hey guys," she said. That moment she pushed Gabby off the balcony and into teh river below. Sparrow, wanting to save her and not knowing wat to do, jumped over the edge; But Ruby caught him and pulled him back up. "There," she said. "All better. Now, Sparrow, look into my eyes..."

Esther walked out onto the balcony and saw Sparrow dancing with Ruby. "Hey! What did you do with Gabby?" she asked.

Rubby smiled an evil smile. "I... took care of her," she said. "You'll find her down in the river I suppose." Esther's eyes widened. "Why didn't you stop her Sparrow?" she asked. But Sparrow just had a glazed over look in his eyes. "How did you-- Ruby, how did you put Sparrow under a spell?" Ruby frowned. "Why should I tell you? I might have... a friend who sells love potions. You like me right, Sparrow?" Sparrow nodded, but looked more dazed than ever.

"Sparrow! remember Gabby! You liked her! You were having a good time dancing! Peeked and saw you two laughing together and talking and, and... REMEMBER GABBY!" Sparrow blinked, and he seemed to be out of the spell. But he was confused. "I like Leopard Lily," he said. She was the daughter of Tiger Lily. Esther sighed. "This is way too complicated. Time to use the powers I took from Vanessa, Ruby thought. And with that she switched bodies with Leopard Lily.

"How did Leopard get here?" Sparrow asked, looking from the fake Leopard (aka Ruby) to Esther, who was staring at Ruby in awe and horror. "Did you take that power from Vanessa?" she asked. Ruby smiled. "Maybe. Now, Sparrow, let's dance."

Esther scowled, and jumped off the balcony (as a bunny) to the riverbank where a soaking Gabby was sitting, covering her face with her hands. "It's okay," Esther said. Gabby shook her head. "No! It's not! I was sure Sparrow liked me! Now I know it was a lie." Esther sat down next to her depressed cousin. "No, you've got the wrong idea. Ruby Red put Sparrow under a spell so that he would fall in love with you. Then she used Vanessa's powers to switch bodies with Leopard Lily! She's evil, and we need to find Leopard Lily right away. We'll take Venom and Vanessa with us, okay?" Gabby looked up and smiled. "Alright! Let's do it!"

Leopard Lily happened to be passing by where Gabby and Esther lived. She looked like Ruby Red. "Hey you!" Gabby began shouting. "Wait!" Esther said. "This is the real Leopard Lily, remember?" "yes," tuned in Leopard. "What in NeverMore is going on here?" Esther quickly explained to Leopard while Gabby finished explaining to Venom and Vanessa. Then the three went back to NeverMore High. Everyone was redaing the Muna Blog, a blog by the daughter of the Moon Princess (Luna Moon) that was full of gossip that no one really liked. They just read it because it was the only NMH blog and told everyone what was going on.

An earlier post had been about how Sparrow had thrown Gabby away in second for Ruby, who was then replaced by Leopard Lily! Everyone wanted to know what was going on, and who Sparrow really liked. Esther walked up onto the dance stage where everyone turned to look at her. "I know you're all confused!" she said into the mic. "But I'll explain everything." And with that, she told the whole story. "We need all of your support so Vanessa can switch Ruby and Leopard back!" she continued. Vanessa walked up onto the stage. But Ruby (fake Leopard) walke donto the stage with her hypnotized sister (who was usually nice but now would do Ruby's bidding). "Stop!" she said. "I don't care if the world knows I'm truly evil! I am! Don't move, or I'll knock you out!" Star raised a fist halfheartedly.

Leopard (fake Ruby) ran into the room. Before Star or Ruby could move, Vanessa cast her spell that would grant three wishes: Sparrow would remember Gabby; Ruby and Leopard would switch back; and Vanessa's powers from others would be taken out of her and to their original owners.

Now, what will happen on the SECOND day of school at NeverMore High?

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